Helper Guidelines
Last updated
Last updated
Helpers are active players who wish to help others, and are passionate about engaging with the community. As a Helper, you will be the face of karlssonSMP, players will turn to you for help and guidance, and it is your role to provide the assistance they need.
While Helpers aren't tasked with moderation duties except temporarily banning players, your main focus is offering assistance and fostering a warm environment within the community, meaning your primary role would be to answer questions and be a welcoming face in the community.
As part of the staff team, it is essential that you act accordingly and lead by setting a positive example, whether it's in public interactions or private conversations. Your behavior should consistently reflect the values of the community at all times.
Know and understand the server rules.
Extend a warm welcome to new players and offer them guidance, inviting them into a friendly atmosphere.
If they have questions you can't answer for sure, turn them to the server rules, the FAQ page on our Wiki or ask them to contact an Admin.
Temporarily ban players who either break the rules or are disrupting the server environment in a harmful manner. Alert a moderator or admin for further action. Commands are listed below for reference.
Commands as a Helper
/tempban (player) (number) (minutes, hours, days, weeks) (reason)
/tempban karlsson1000 1 hour Misconduct
Remember, abusing any Helper permissions will result in losing the Helper role and can result in either a temporary or permanent ban from the server.
We appreciate your assistance on karlssonSMP.